
@thegodco (image credit: shutterstock.com)

Is the 12-Step for you?

Whether you are new to God or you already believe in Christ and are born of water and of the Spirit (born again), the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan is for you if you actively want to make God and Christ the center of your life moving forward.


@thegodco (image credit: shutterstock.com)

Why The 12-Step Plan?

The 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan will help you cut out the clutter to create a God-friendly and Christ-friendly life where you live out what matters the most. When your heart is in the right place, God and Christ take the first place, and God makes everything else fall into place for you through Christ, from your personal to your professional life.

Map to your ideal life

Your life revolves around only two things: being happy and having peace of mind—the two things only God can give you long-term through Christ.

What is happiness?

Happiness is a state of well-being characterized by emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. It is that feeling that comes over you when you know life is good and you can't help but smile. When people are successful, or safe, or lucky, they feel happiness. (source credit: vocabulary.com)

What is peace of mind?

Peace of mind is the absence of mental stress or anxiety. It is a feeling of being safe or protected—a feeling of calm or not being worried. If something gives you peace of mind, it stops you from worrying about a particular problem or difficulty. (source credit: vocabulary.com; merriam-webster.com; cambridge.org; collinsdictionary.com)


@thegodco (image credit: shutterstock.com)

Happiness without God through Christ

You can be happy without God through Christ. But it is hard. Firstly, you must determine your happiness (purpose in life), which is the one thing that truly makes you happy. Secondly, you must hustle to get your happiness (purpose in life), as YOU will have to fulfil your wishes, expectations and needs. Finally, YOU must take full and total responsibility for your happiness (purpose in life) on your shoulders. YOU need to ascertain from the go that your purpose in life is what you truly want, not someone else’s dreams. Because if you are chasing someone else’s dreams, you will find yourself stuck in a hamster wheel of always pursuing happiness.

Happiness with God through Christ

Yes, please! Isn’t it great to have someone give you a clear map of your life and then help you along the way to get to your ultimate happiness? When you hook up with God and Jesus, that is what happens. All you have to do is connect with them, and God will do the rest through Christ. When you give God the wheel of your life through Christ by trusting Him enough with your joy, He will handle everything for you and even reveal your happiness (purpose in life) and how to attain it.

So do not worry, saying, “What shall we eat?” or “What shall we drink?” or “What shall we wear?” For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Jesus Christ, Savior of the World, Matthew 6:31-33.


@thegodco (image credit: shutterstock.com)

Peace of mind without God through Christ

Given that peace of mind is the absence of mental stress or anxiety and a feeling of calm, of being safe or protected—we can say without a shadow of a doubt that it is impossible to have peace of mind without God through Christ. Yes, we know, we know. The Universe protects you; you’ve been alive for so long without anything bad happening to you. But hold on, The Universe is God’s, and it is God who protects you daily even if you don’t believe in Him or acknowledge Him. Why? God is The Leveller of The Universe, its center-good.

GOD HELPS EVERY HUMAN HE HAS CREATED. When you are a God-friendly and Christ-friendly woman, you have the direct line to God’s ear because Christ fights your corner. Always. However, that doesn’t mean that God answers only the prayers of God-friendly, Christ-friendly or Christian women. No. God answers the prayers of every single one of the human beings He has created. Every single one of the world’s seven billion or so. There is not one person on this earth who can argue that God has never had their back. No one.

Peace of mind with God through Christ

Peace of mind with God through Christ is two-fold: daily peace of mind and eternal peace of mind.

Daily peace of mind

A wise woman once said that she thanks God every evening she gets to see her family after a long day at work. How profound is that statement? The worst thing that can happen to us is going home and knowing that someone we love will never walk through the front door again. We will never see their smile or laugh at their dry humor at breakfast again.

As a woman who practices the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan, you have absolute peace of mind that God always has your back and Jesus will always stick by your side in every aspect of your life because they are hands-on. You no longer need to touch wood when you think about the future. That’s the ultimate daily peace of mind.

When you go to work, you don’t worry or fret about your salary as you know your employer will pay you at the end of the month. As a God-friendly and Christ-friendly woman who spends time with God and Christ every day, you no longer need to fret or worry about every little tiny thing in your life because you have God, and God has your back.

Eternal peace of mind

As humans, we worry about everything from our health and family to our jobs. We go to work every day to house, feed and clothe our families. We work hard on our relationships so they can become stronger and more lasting. We work hard on our bodies to stay in shape and live long and healthy lives. We do all these things as part of our daily peace of mind.

But, as much as all this stuff is great, most of us don’t bother about our eternal peace of mind. We don’t worry about our spirits and souls and where they will end up when we die, whether in heaven or hell. And by the way, you decide whether to go to heaven or hell while on earth. If you live by the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan, you never have to worry about eternal peace of mind because God got you sorted through Christ, who will always stick by your side.