The King is in Heaven!

Ascension Festival is attached to Easter Festival. It celebrates Jesus Christ going (ascending) into Heaven 40 days after His Resurrection.

Jesus presented himself to his disciples and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive. He appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke about the kingdom of God. — The Bible, Acts 1:3

Ascension Meaning

To ascend means to go up. Jesus ascended (went up) to Heaven in his physical human body form 40 days after His Resurrection.

After he (Jesus) said this, he (Jesus) was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They (the disciples) were looking intently up into the sky as he (Jesus) was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them.

“Men of Galilee,’ they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? The same Jesus, who has been taken from you into Heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into Heaven.” — The Bible, Acts 1:9-11


Stop looking up. There’s no hard cash in Heaven. @thegodco (image credit:

Why Ascension?

The Good Engineer

As a woman created by God, your most basic human right is to know Him. No one can ever take that right away from you because God gave you that right when He created you. Why is it your most basic human right? When God formed your body, He placed His salvation in you through Christ, His Son. God literally tattooed your right to become His child through Christ inside you from the go, regardless of gender, beliefs, ethnicity and orientation. Whatever your behavior and character, God valued you enough before you were conceived by ingraining His Grace through Christ in you.

We are not just chatting blah-blah-blah here. This is backed by science. So backed, it’s quite frightening to see the supreme engineering that is God’s mind. In every human body, there are laminins, which are large cell-adhesive glycoproteins required for the formation and function of basement membranes in all animals. Humans are animals, yeah. The short of it is, if our laminins malfunction, we malfunction too.

Now, let’s see the supreme engineer at play: structural studies by electron microscopy in the early 1980s revealed a cross-shaped molecule, which subsequently was shown to consist of three distinct polypeptide chains.

You read that right. Science proves that laminins are integral to the structural scaffolding of almost every tissue of an organism—secreted and incorporated into cell-associated extracellular matrices. Basically, without these cross-shaped molecules that make you function, you die.

God embedded Christ’s Cross in you at the base, that is, at the planning stage, before He formed the first-ever humans. Even knowing that Adam and Eve would sin against Him, God embedded His Salvation through Jesus in you. God’s Goodness through Christ also makes your physical body breathe, think, walk and sleep. You cannot survive without your laminin molecules in this life—just as you cannot survive without your laminin molecule in the other life.

Adam and Eve

It all started with Adam and Eve. When God created them, He placed them in a garden called Eden, gave them everything they could ever wish for, and asked them to multiply. So basically, make love, have babies and be merry. The tree of good and evil was in the Garden of Eden, and God told Adam and Eve not to eat its fruit or they would die. But did they listen? No. That pair of know-it-alls ate the fruit when a snake in the grass tempted Eve. Their bad behavior unleashed a chain of events that saw them being cursed by God and separated from Him and Eternal life. Read the full story.


When Adam and Eve fell out with God, so did we as their descendants. And the only way to right things between God and us was for Jesus Christ (God’s Son) to die for us, resurrect after three days and ascend to Heaven.


Jesus died an atrocious and vicious death on the cross to reconcile us with God and (with the same stone) give us daily and eternal peace of mind. His death bridged the gap between God and us and made us children of God with massive pinch-me-now mansions in Heaven!

My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? — Jesus Christ, Savior of the World, John 14:2

Little Ascension Book

This page is your ultimate guide to all things Ascension Festival from thanking Jesus for preparing our dream homes to praising God for literally building a world for us with streets paved with gold! The Little Ascension Book is the mini version of Ascension Festival. At just 2 pages long, you get Ascension Festival at a glance. Download the Little Ascension Book now for free by clicking on the cover of your choice above.

Ascension Prints

Download Ascension cute and eye-catching book covers and prints by saving the images of your choice on your device. They make gorgeous wallpapers on your lock and home screens.

Ascension Day Party Ideas

Here at The God Co, we LOVE to party, and what better excuse to party than to celebrate Jesus going to Heaven to get our forever homes ready? It’s May, it’s springing, and everyone is already in a long-fest party mood. So, get your barbecue out and throw an Ascension Day party to celebrate this most awesome day!

  • Afternoon Tea Party: cakes, cakes and cakes. We’ll stop there.

  • Barbecue: enough said!

  • Glow Party: order pizza, drinks, grab Glow Party Kit and throw a crazy-for-Christ party.


Why The 12-Step Plan?

The 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan will help you cut out the clutter to create a God-friendly and Christ-friendly life where you live out what matters the most. When your heart is in the right place, God and Christ take the first place, and God makes everything else fall into place for you through Christ, from your personal to your professional life.