Modern Day Superhero


The pandemic took a toll on nurses and doctors.

Papa God

When Nurse Mary puts her key into the lock and lets herself in her home, it’s seven a.m. She’s exhausted, hungry and can’t feel her feet. But there is no time to sit, put her feet up and relax. Instead, Mary must quickly shower, eat something, and climb into bed for a much-needed sleep as she’s doing a double shift at her hospital ward that caters solely for patients struck with Coronavirus. It’s the middle of the pandemic. There’s a shift in the universe, a dark cloud gripping the entire earth. Everyone is scared for their families and friends, for themselves. No one knows what is happening right now in the present, let alone what will happen in the future. Nurse Mary believes in Jesus. She trusts that his protection hovers over her life. Type God rocks and Christ rules in the comments below if you believe that Jesus’s protection hovers over your life.

“Papa God has always been there for me. He always protects me and has seen me through thick and thin.” That faith in her Father carries Mary to her ward inundated with death. Patients wheeze with pain, gasping for breath as the virus travels down their respiratory track, inflaming their lungs. A woman on a ventilator is in distress. Someone presses the call button, and nurses and doctors rush to her bed. Mary is amongst them. They battle to resuscitate the fragile older woman. However, Coronavirus has taken over every cell of her body. She doesn’t make it. Sadness oppresses Mary. The woman was a patient. She’d spoken to her just this morning, and they shared a laugh. Mary can’t bear to be in her ward after a doctor declares the woman dead. She rushes out to breathe, to process what has just happened.

Frontline Soldier

This respite lasts only for a few minutes. More patients are dying. More patients need her care. So, Mary puts her grief on hold, shakes off her sorrow and returns to her ward. At times like this, it’s easy to forget to pray, go on your knees, and ask God for his help because life becomes too much and too hard to handle. Nurse Mary, like a soldier, lives in a constant state of war. She’s fighting several battles on the battlefield named COVID-19. She worries about her patients, family, friends and herself. There is a disturbing shortage of staff on her ward. Many are taking sick days as they are terrified of catching the virus following the deaths of their colleagues due to inadequate supply of PPE (personal protective equipment) in hospitals.

Bosses are under pressure and pass on the pressure to Mary and her team. Yet because of Nurse Mary’s dedication and love for her job, she is one of the very few nurses who turns up to work every day she’s scheduled in. One might wonder if Mary truly loves her job, given the dire circumstances she finds herself under. One might even question why she puts herself in such a situation. “Yes,” Mary says, in a heartbeat, that she loves her job. “I love helping people and caring for them. Many patients come here without a family. It’s great to be a friend to them throughout their stay.”

Appreciate nurses and doctors

Mary’s patients love her. She’s constantly receiving gifts from them, such as chocolates and flowers. Their kind gestures warm Mary’s heart and light up her face with a smile as big as the clear blue sky on a hot summer day. It’s essential to appreciate our nurses and doctors, to value them for their selfless dedication to us, the public. Being a frontline nurse or doctor during the global pandemic is akin to being a soldier on the frontline. Unfortunately, like many nurses and doctors worldwide, Mary won’t receive any counselling to deal with her post-traumatic stress disorder.

But perhaps, Mary doesn’t need counselling or therapy. Perhaps her relationship with Jesus and his love for her has freed her oppressed heart and spirit from all the desolation, pain and angst raging around her.

For, after all, Jesus says in Luke 4:18-19: “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”

Image: Shutterstock

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The 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan will help you cut out the clutter to create a God-friendly and Christ-friendly life where you live out what matters the most. When your heart is in the right place, God and Christ take the first place, and God makes everything else fall into place for you through Christ, from your personal to your professional life.

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Glow is for women who want more of God and Christ in their world. Glow celebrates God and Christ and modern women’s relationship with them. Each fabulous issue is packed with the latest fashion, beauty, money and lifestyle trends from The Holy Spirit’s approach. Glow’s digital issue comes in a high-resolution 300 dpi PDF file that you can read at any size from your phone, tablet, laptop or computer. Glow’s print issue is printed on high-quality and sustainable paper.

GLOW is an acronym for God is Love Omnipotent Warrior. For God is our sweet love. The almighty fighter for our souls. The I in IGLOW stands for I Am Who I Am.

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