Step 2 of the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan

The glue that binds it all.

Jesus is the glue that binds it all. Without God sending Christ to die for us, we wouldn’t have daily and eternal peace of mind. Without Christ agreeing to come to earth as a human being to die a cruel death on the cross to make things right between God and us—we wouldn’t be able to call God our Father. Without Christ’s sacrifice—we wouldn’t have all our incredible blessings. Without Christ giving up His life for us, we wouldn’t have God to protect us in this big, scary world.

Without God, we would be nothing. Without Christ, we would have nothing.

But who is Christ? And how can you worship someone you don’t know?

Christ is Jesus Christ, The Son of Man, The Son of God—The First and The Last, The Living One who was dead and now is alive for ever and ever—The Lamb of God. The Ruler of God’s Creation and The Savior of the World.

Names of Christ

  • Commonly known as Jesus, Jesus Christ, The Lord, The Son of God, Son of the Living God, Lamb of God, The Word, The Savior, The Messiah, Jesus the Christ, Jesus the Savior, Jesus the Messiah, Yahshua, Yahushua, Jesus of Nazareth

  • Reverential Name: The Lord (Jesus), The LAMB OF GOD, The Ruler of God’s Creation, Christ the King, The King of Kings, The Lord of Lords, The Prince of Peace

  • Legal Name: that’s up to debate

  • Personal Name: THE SON OF MAN


Christ Himself tells us His personal name in Matthew 9:6: But I want you to know that The Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So He (Christ) said to the paralyzed man, “Get up, take your mat and go home.”

Christ is The Savior of All

So, Jesus died for our daily and eternal peace of mind, but did He actually have to do it? No. That’s the whole point. He didn’t have to come down to earth and be crucified to open the highway to Heaven. He could’ve just said: “Sod humanity, I didn’t ask them to hurt God. I don’t want to get involved in their mess. It’s between God and them. Let them sort it out. I got my own stuff to deal with.” But He did not. Jesus left His Father’s lavish pad to go through the cruellest death to give you daily and eternal peace of mind.

Prince Charming

Faraway land, pearly gates, streets paved with gold, Prince Charming—they smack like things out of a Disney movie, don’t they? But the truth is, pop culture copied God! These things actually do exist. Our pop culture took them all from the Bible (yes, the Bible!) and then made them out to be fairy stories.

The faraway land is Heaven, and have no doubt (because the Bible says) there are pearly gates and streets paved with gold in Heaven. God is the King of the faraway land, Jesus is Prince Charming, and you can be the fairy tale princess. That is, if you are into sweeping love and grand romantic gestures.

Confusion about Christ

Whenever He refers to Himself in the Bible, Jesus always says He is The Son of Man. But unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of confusion about whether Jesus is God or equal to God.

So, let’s clear things up for you: As well as being The Son of God, Jesus is also God, one with His Father.

How do we know this with absolute certainty? Jesus says in Revelation 22:13:

“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.”

Only God is referred to as the Alpha and the Omega—therefore, Jesus is God. The glue that binds you to God the Father and the Holy Spirit of God. Through Jesus Christ’s Death, you get to know The Father, AND you get to have The Holy Spirit of God to coach you through ALL of life’s mess.

Christ is also God?! For real?!

We get where you’re coming from. But look at this in terms of a family unit whereby you have the parents and the child. We label it a “family unit” because we believe there should be a fundamental unity among them to the point that they become one, share the same values and think the same way for the common good of their unit. God has strong family values, and He leads by example.

Although God and Christ have distinct characteristics, since they share the same values and are all for the common good of their unit, they are, therefore, one—God. Though Christ died to give us daily and eternal peace of mind, it was God who sent Christ to die for us to reconcile us with Him. A missing part of any unit will make it dysfunctional, for they function correctly as one.


Kyrie, a transliteration of Greek Κύριε, vocative case of Κύριος (Kyrios), is a common name of an important prayer of Christian liturgy, also called the Kyrie eleison (/ˈkɪəri.eɪ ɪˈleɪ.ɪsɒn, -sən/ KEER-ee-ay il-AY-iss-on, -⁠ən; Ancient Greek: Κύριε, ἐλέησον, romanized: Kýrie eléēson, lit. 'Lord, have mercy').

KYRIE simply means LORD. And that’s who Jesus Christ is: The Lord and Savior of All who went to hell and kicked butts in reverse all by Himself and on His own.

When we picture Jesus cracking His fingers by His sides as He walks out of hell after He kicked butts, we imagine a super-powerful man (with rippling muscles, oh, yes!) with the name KYRIE written boldly and in capital letters on His naked back. Sort of like, “Bow down, I AM THE LORD.”


Only two people are worthy to be called The Lord, God and Christ. To differentiate between them, God is called The LORD God or LORD God, while Christ is called The Lord Jesus or Lord Jesus. *We say people, but God and Christ are Spirits. But you get what we mean. Redirect here to The LORD God.


Let’s talk about The Lord Jesus and the whole hell situation for a hot second. It all started with Adam and Eve. When God created them, He placed them in a garden called Eden, gave them everything they could ever wish for, and asked them to multiply. So basically, make love, have babies and be merry. The tree of good and evil was in the Garden of Eden, and God told Adam and Eve not to eat its fruit or they would die. But did they listen? No. That pair of know-it-alls ate the fruit when a snake in the grass tempted Eve. Their bad behavior unleashed a chain of events that saw them being cursed by God and separated from Him and Eternal life. Read the full story.


When Adam and Eve fell out with God, so did we as their descendants. And the only way to right things between God and us was for Jesus Christ (God’s Son) to die. Jesus died an atrocious and vicious death on the cross to reconcile us with God and (with the same stone) give us daily and eternal peace of mind. His death bridged the gap between God and us and made us children of God. A truly horrible death.

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God – children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God. — The Bible, John 1:12-13


Christ agreed to be crucified on Golgotha, a hill outside Jerusalem, for our happiness. His crucifixion started with scourging—whipping someone as a punishment. Christ was then mocked by soldiers and made to carry his large wooden cross to Golgotha over his battered body. When he arrived at Golgotha, he was stripped of his clothes and nailed by his hands on the cross (the nails were hammered through), where he was left to die like a common criminal.

Yeah, someone who puts Himself through such atrocities so that random people can have daily and eternal peace of mind is worthy to be called THE LORD.


As Revelation 5 shows, everyone in Heaven adores God and Christ equally. They both share the love pie 50/50. Yes, God is God, and in the hierarchy comes before Christ as He is the dad. But Christ is Christ too. He (Christ) went on a journey of deep pain to buy every human being for God with His blood. Before God created the first-ever humans, Christ already knew He would die for you. Let’s compute this maths for a hot second. Science says the first-ever humans lived about 2.4 million to 1.4 million years ago BC (Before Christ.)

Going by science and averaging the numbers, Christ knew He would die for you 1.9 million years ago. For 1.9 million years, He lived with His atrocious death at the cross hanging over His head. We’ve said the following paragraph above, but we’ll repeat it word for word again for it to sink in as Christ’s Death was a truly horrible one.

Jesus’s Crucifixion started with scourging—whipping someone as a punishment. Christ was then mocked by soldiers and made to carry His large wooden cross to Golgotha over His battered body. When He arrived at Golgotha, He was stripped of his clothes and nailed by His hands on the cross (the nails were hammered through), where He was left to die like a common criminal.

Jesus is your laminin molecule. God made Christ, and only Christ, your laminin molecule. Christ is God’s Grace whom He (God) placed in every human being at the base. Without Christ, you get nothing—big fat zero.

Whether you are God-friendly, Christ-friendly, Christian, atheist, or believe in stones or trees, you need Christ for your physical body to survive daily. God made it so. Without your cross-shaped laminins, you will malfunction. Science backs this.

Even worse, without your cross-shaped laminin, you cannot have daily and eternal peace of mind. You need Christ to live a happy, intentional, confident and successful life in God. As the saying goes, without God, we are nothing—and without Christ, we have nothing. You cannot survive without your laminin molecules in this life—just as you cannot survive without your laminin molecule in the other life.

Christ at the base? Confirm the code below.


When God formed your body, He placed His salvation in you through Christ, His Son. God literally tattooed your right to become His child through Christ inside you from the go, regardless of gender, beliefs, ethnicity and orientation. Whatever your behavior and character, God valued you enough before you were conceived by ingraining His Grace through Christ in you.

We are not just chatting blah-blah-blah here. This is backed by science. So backed, it’s quite frightening to see the supreme engineering that is God’s mind. In every human body, there are laminins, which are large cell-adhesive glycoproteins required for the formation and function of basement membranes in all animals. Humans are animals, yeah. The short of it is, if our laminins malfunction, we malfunction too.

Now, let’s see the supreme engineer at play: structural studies by electron microscopy in the early 1980s revealed a cross-shaped molecule, which subsequently was shown to consist of three distinct polypeptide chains.

You read that right. Science proves that laminins are integral to the structural scaffolding of almost every tissue of an organism—secreted and incorporated into cell-associated extracellular matrices. Basically, without these cross-shaped molecules that make you function, you die.

God embedded Christ’s Cross in you at the base, that is, at the planning stage, before He formed the first-ever humans. Even knowing that Adam and Eve would sin against Him, God embedded His Salvation through Jesus in you. God’s Goodness through Christ also makes your physical body breathe, think, walk and sleep. You cannot survive without your laminin molecules in this life—just as you cannot survive without your laminin molecule in the other life.