Step 10 of the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”— Jesus Christ, Savior of the World, Matthew 28:19-20

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives us the above assignment. However, it can be hard to talk about God and Christ to people, even knowing the great benefits they will get from knowing them. But fear not. We’ve come up with a novel idea to bring God and Christ to your friends and family – a party! So, order food and drinks (and/or self-care boxes), grab your Glow Party and Glam Glow Hostess kits below, and have fun!


Glow Party Kit

Glow Party Kit

The Glow Party zip-file kit contains three Christ Boost Cards, the Introduction and all the 12 Steps of the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan. The files come in a streamlined PDF format. The sixteen individual reading entry points mean you can kickstart the conversation with your guests in whichever way you prefer.

Get your kit

Your kit is split into four zip files. To download the zip file of your choice, please click its link below.

  1. Books 1, 2, 3 & 4 of the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan by The God Co

  2. Books 5, 6, 7 & 8 of the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan by The God Co

  3. Books 9, 10, 11 & 12 of the 12-Step Christ Intentional Living Plan by The God Co

  4. Intro to the 12-Step & 3 x Christ Boost Cards by The God Co

Glam Glow Hostess Kit

You have daily and eternal peace of mind because of God and Christ. Many people don’t have that or don’t even know who God and Jesus are. You can change all that around by becoming a Glam Glow Hostess today! The Glam Glow Hostess Kit has everything you need to become a fabulous GGH:

  1. What is a GGH?

  2. What does a GGH do?

  3. What parties to host?

  4. Why become a GGH?

  5. How to become a GGH?

  6. How to host a GGH party?

Get your kit

Gospel Glow

When you subscribe to Glow Club, we donate free digital copies of Glow to fifty women who don’t know God and Christ. When you buy a digital copy of Glow, we donate free digital copies of Glow to five women who don’t know God and Christ.

Coming Soon.